Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Favorite Side

If you asked me 6 months ago what I thought about brussel sprouts I would tell you I hated them.  (This was based solely on the thought of them.  Sometimes when it comes to food I judge it before trying...something, with the help of my husband, I have almost overcome!)  I had never thought to make them, but then, I would see them on Pinterest ALL the time. So...I decided to give them a try...and who knew they are the easiest side dish, tasty and healthy too!  So, here is the simple recipe!

Brussel Sprouts

First, preheat the oven to 350.  Wash the brussel sprouts really well and cut in half or in quarters depending on the size, and pat dry.
I drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil on a pan, place the brussel sprouts on it and move them around with a spatula to get them lightly covered in the olive oil.

Then, I sprinkle some sea salt, fresh black pepper and a little garlic powder on them. 

Toss into the oven for 20-25 minutes.

I flip and mix them around at about 10 minutes and then around 18 minutes and then let them cook for another 5 minutes or so until lightly browned on all sides.

And....just like that you have a side dish that is totally delish! 
I know it sounds like a lot of steps when it's is typed out, but prep time is literally about 4 minutes.  (I actually timed it and that 4 minutes included me taking the picture and me being distracted by my 10 month old going into the kitchen cabinets).

Anyways, if you want to take it a step further, make the garlic aioli sauce to go with it it's also super simple!

I decreased the original recipe size if it is just my husband and I because I end up throwing out what we don't use. The first time I followed a recipe I found and it made a ton. So, my decreased recipe size is as follows:

Garlic Aioli Sauce
3 Tablespoons Mayo (Light)
3/4 Tablespoon minced garlic
Fresh lemon juice - 1 wedge (1/8 of the lemon)

Mix together after you throw the sprouts in the oven and put in the fridge to stay cool.

There you have it!  My super simple and tasty go to brussel sprout recipe with garlic aioli sauce! Hope you like it! :)
~Erin Leigh

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